Wednesday, May 31, 2006

CAADE E86 Gunz N Roses

The title sez it all.

Scott Adam's Has Done It Again

Every time I read Scott Adam's Dilbert Blog it is extremely funny, contains intriguing ideas or both. The both part can end up being creepy in a weird way but that's just the way I like it. This particular post describes his fantasy about what he would do if he was the President. Let me put it to you this way. If he would ever run for President I would vote for him but that will never happen, by his own admission, and it also tells you how much I think my vote is worth these days.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

Greg's Brain Tumor

Greg's Brain Tumor #1
Originally uploaded by aritenou.
Here is a picture from my friend Greg's MRI he had last week because he had a seizure about 3 weeks ago and crashed the pizza delivery car he was driving into a McDonald's. No, this is not going to be a funny blog entry. Today he has an appointment to see a freaking brain surgeon. We will know more this afternoon.

I just want to write this to try and build up some positive energy for my friend who is going though this really hard time. Just keep him in your thoughts if you can.


P.S. If anyone could live without half their brain it is Greg so there isn't that much to worry about. He never uses more than 5% or 10% anyway.

P.S.S. You happy now? You got your freaking joke.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

CAADE E85 Buzzsaw

I don't feel like writing anything here so just take my word for it and listen to this shit if you like us. If you don't then why are you reading this?


Friday, May 19, 2006

Chuck and Adam on Gmail for Domains BETA

I finally got the invitation to join the Gmail for domains beta and I set that shit up right away. We now have adam(at)chuckandadam(dot)com and chuck(at)chuckandadam(dot)com. Please feel free to use those email addresses if that is easier or will just make you happy. Also, we can have up to 25 free accounts so if you want a email address just let me know and I'll setup an account for you. And it's a Gmail account so I don't know why you wouldn't.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

CAADE E84 Pour Some Sugar On Me!!!!

Chuck and Adam go Buck Wild with their special guest "Harry Baller" and we find out that Adam is an even bigger loser than anyone thought while listening to some awesome Def Leppard!!! Listen HERE!!!!!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

William Gibson Interview

Whenever I find interview of William Gibson they have always been interesting to me. Here is another for you. Audio can be found here.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

CAADE E83 Crapcast No.2

The interwebnets what taken our advice and stopped listening to this.......

Monday, May 08, 2006

Now without google ads

I put some google ads on there about 6 months ago to see if I could earn some beer money. Turns out that in the entire time they have been on here I have earned about $3. Maybe if we were earning $3 a week they might stay but as things are off they come. Fuck google ads. They didn't work for me.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

CAADE E82 Crapcast No.1?

Life hasn't been too good for the funny conversational virtuoso's you know as Chuck and Adam. Chuck has been doing to work of two people at his job and Adam has been doing the work of about three people as his job. That is why this podcast sucks so much. Sometime soon, when we have the time and energy, we will get back in the form that you have come to expect. Listen HERE.


P.S. Yes, I'm a bitch.

CAADE will be skypecasting Tonight

Today skype announced a new feature: skypecasting. I have a problem that makes me always want to try new technology so I was compelled to try this out. Here is a link to the event I setup. Call in and let's try this shit out. 7:00pm to 9:00pm PST.


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