Serenity The Movie

I have been watching Firefly on DVD from Netflix and it totally kicks some major butt. I can't say enough good things about this TV show. I do feel a little "Johnny Come Lately" about this but I just don't care because this show is that good. Case in point I was up till 1:30 am last night because I just had to finish disc 2. Now I have to wait a few days for the next 2 discs to come from Netflix and I'm feeling all nervous and jittery. I'm sure I'll continue to feel weird until they get here. The other thing that is stressing me out is I'm sure the last 2 discs of Firefly will not get to me before the movie comes out this friday so I'll have to wait to see the movie.
I was listening to Rob @ Podcast 411's interview with Evo Tera today at lunch. At the beginning of the podcast Rob was talking about how he was able to see this movie early. I really trust his opinion about most things and his description got me so pumped up about seeing this movie. I guess he is the source of most of my anxiety on this. DAMN YOU ROB!!!! Go see this movie 1, 2 or 12 times.
P.S. Good job FOX for totally fucking up this show and then cancelling it.
Netflix mailed me Disc 4 today. Shit, I hope I finish my homework this weekend.
this is good to hear. i got the firefly set for my dad, but had never seen it myself. guess he'll like it then. he likes that stuff.
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